Consultant, Curator and Visual Artist Katharine Dufault, uses her expertise and knowledge of contemporary art and design to help clients select and acquire art - including paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures - for their home or business collection. She works with a large roster of artists who work in a variety of mediums - photography, painting, digital print, etc, - and styles to suit every requirement. Katharine has an extensive and deep-rooted network of contacts in the visual arts field, and maintains relationships with many galleries in Westchester, New York, Connecticut, Hudson and the Berkshires. She has numerous professional sources, as well as access to the design trade sector.
A fundamental part of our process is to become well acquainted and engaged with our clients to understand their particular perspectives and goals. This informs our extensive research and sourcing of a wide array of artworks from galleries, art fairs, print houses and artists to present options best suited to each client. An initial consultation establishes artwork requirements and budget, and an on-site walk through is usually set up. Katharine then develops a personalized art-scope portfolio for the client's consideration. Based on feedback, final recommendations of art or photography will be presented. After artwork acquisition, placement and installation are organized. Frame suggestions are also discussed